Facts About the Revolution In India’s Healthcare Industry Post COVID

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in the Indian region, our healthcare industry has suffered a lot. Even today, people are not able to completely recover from the challenges of the COVID pandemic. Over time India’s healthcare industry witnessed an immense change after the pandemic took place. COVID allowed the government to tackle and improve the disabilities of the healthcare which was present before the pandemic. Even though, we have to work more upon the functioning of this industry.

Over the last few decades, India has made drastic changes in the healthcare sector and improved the size of the Indian healthcare industry. Although India has nothing in healthcare when it comes to dealing with this pandemic, as a nation we saved more lives than superpowers.

India’s healthcare industry is mainly driven by the public sector because healthcare in India is a bit over-priced and a tough deal for common people. However, the bitter truth is public sector is only capable of primary functioning but not tertiary. But here we will talk about the various transition that took place in the upliftment of the Healthcare industry in India after the pandemic.

Strong Medical Infrastructure

Deficiency in the number of medical equipment and medical facilities was a major criticism during the pandemic for the Indian healthcare industry. It was worldwide visible that India wasn’t capable of dealing with poor infrastructure for a huge population. Therefore, there was an urgent need for a sound healthcare system that is emergency ready for similar issues in the future. As a cure to this solution, hospitals came forward to build more capacities in different regions, especially in Tier II and Tier III cities.

On the other hand, the government also aided these efforts to increase the pace of this drive. Over the month, a serious change took place in uplifting the number of beds per thousand population to ensure there are no accessibility gaps. Multiple aids were sanctioned to ensure the development of the healthcare industry in India.

Unique but Strong Government Initiatives

During the pandemic, the government of India was continuously aiding the healthcare sector. Their policies like “Vocal for Local” promoted self-reliant India in terms of making PPE kits, an increasing number of domestic-produced beds, encouraging mass production of masks, and even more.

On the same note, we witness a serious acceleration of schemes by the efforts of the Indian government to accomplish universal health cover under “Health for All”, “Ayusuman Bharat” and “National Digital health”. The ultimate goal of these missions was to make India self-reliant and healthcare affordable and accessible to the entire nation. Additionally, the objective was to offer a diverse scope for the private players to expand their wings and make their presence more known.  

Awareness about Health

Over the year we had witnessed that people are consciously ignoring the fact that health is important. Since the outbreak of COVID people became aware of COVID attacking the immunity of the people. Hence, a large segment of society started multiple remedies to cure themselves, including Yoga and different stuff.

During the phase of COVID people became serious about their health, which took them to buy Health insurance. The awareness about health insurance had a revolution that uplifted the graph of buying insurance and that is likely to rise more in the upcoming time. During this financial year, the number of people is likely to invest more into health insurance than in the previous one.

Medical Tourism

938980 Active Physicians in US

After the incarnation of the Healthcare industry into a facilitator of medicine across the globe. India seems to be a substitute for medical treatment by foreigners. Hence, people across the world started traveling to India for better treatment at a low price.

As per AAMC, “As of 2019, there were about 938,980 active physicians in the US. Indian-origin physicians account for at least 29.5% of the total physician population”. People always trusted Indian physicians and that draws the attention of the world towards India.

Correct Valuation of Technology 

In today’s era, rise in the online consultation and online medical platforms is on hype. Adding an edge to this trend, the Indian government is also focusing more on improving the quality of this infrastructure. The government has done various aiding to improve the structure of medical treatment.

Online consultations and online medical platforms save time for aiding. It can seriously improve the curing capabilities during an emergency. It’ll improve the size of the Indian healthcare industry not only physically present but on the internet as well.

Overall the Indian healthcare industry has evolved during the COVID pandemic. We’re not able to manufacture our own PPE kits, beds, masks, vaccines, and even more that can ultimately strengthen not only the economy but the health structure of common people as well.

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